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Close to Death


According to Judaism, what are the last rites and their practice in regard to a Jewish individual who is near the end of his/her life, including the final hours and the immediate time after death? Many Thanks. answered:

According to Jewish tradition when a person draws close to his last moments those around him should help him recite his final confession. If the person is too incapacitated to be able to say it those present should recite it for him.  If it is clear that the person cannot live for much longer the relatives should try to not move him or, in fact, touch him at all so as not to do anything that might speed up the end. Those present as the person passes away need to tear a piece of outer clothing as a sign of mourning. It is customary to recite Psalms both before and after the passing. After the person has passed away the body should not be left alone. Normally shifts are set up so that at least two people stay with the body until it is taken for burial.

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