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I’m self-employed and recently have been thinking of taking off some time to learn more about Jewish practice. I really enjoy the questions and answers host on your site! Do you think I should go to a yeshiva or can I just get some books and read them at home? answered:

“No man is an island entirely of itself, every man is a part of the continent, a piece of the main” (John Donne). Any change in the familiar patterns of life is difficult, especially when this change is accompanied by the acceptance of a vast and complex new system of living. Transition is made easier when there are other people in transit – friends can support each other, people confronting similar problems and challenges can share their experiences with each other and can identify with each other’s trials.

Our generation has the merit of witnessing many people returning to the Torah who were raised in secular environments and did not have the benefit of a Torah education during the most impressionable years of their lives. There are countless yeshivas, seminaries, and institutions of learning for people of any background, age, and walk of life who want to learn more about Judaism and Jewish practice.

If you can only take off a short amount of time, allow me to suggest that you try a Gateways retreat (preferably over a Shabbat, but failing that you can start with a lecture or get-together). The classes and the retreats offered by Gateways are excellent and cater to all ages and religious observance in an appealing and non-threatening way. You can look at what they offer at:

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