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Mitzvah Parallels


I heard that each mitzvah corresponds to a certain part of our body. Is there a source for this, and can you give me an example? Thanks. answered:

Yes, there is a source and yes I will give an example.

Our Sages teach in the Zohar that the number of Torah commands – 613 – correspond exactly to the number of parts of the body. In fact, there are 248 positive commands that relate to the 248 “limbs” of a person and there are 365 negative commands for the 365 “sinews”. I am not familiar with a source that lists all the commands and their bodily parallels, and if any reader knows of an authoritative source I would appreciate hearing from that person.

There are certain obvious matches between specific commands and parts of human anatomy, but I’ll share one that is taught in the Talmud and may not be self-evident.

Take the earlobe. The main, hard part of the ear serves a natural purpose as a “funnel” to collect sounds and also as a “cover” to protect against entry of foreign objects. The earlobe, however, seems to serve no natural purpose. The Talmud teaches, however, that the earlobe exists to serve as a “plug” to fold into the ear to avoid hearing forbidden speech. Built-in “noise-cancelling headphones”! We are commanded to avoid speaking or listening to harmful words.

(By the way, not all 613 commands can be fulfilled nowadays. The Chafetz Chaim wrote a wonderful book with a practical summary of each Torah command applicable today: 77 positive commands, and 194 negative ones. But that doesn’t mean we have fewer body parts nowadays!)

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