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Oh No! The First Day of School…


It’s the beginning of a new school year and I have two children in elementary school. For one of them it’s his first year. Is there any special prayer you recommend I say? I really want them to be good, successful and happy students! answered:

I laud your loving concern for your children’s educational experience in every sense. It seems clear that you have already made every “natural” effort to prepare them, such as proper clothing, school supplies and prepared them with pep talks to not be afraid of school or to ask questions as necessary. Our sages teach “one who is shy will not learn” (Pirkei Avot 2:6).

In addition, however, you realize that with all the best preparations and intentions a child may still not succeed academically and even stray from the moral path that you so much desire for him. To help ensure that you’ve done everything possible, I understand from your question that you desire to make an effort that goes “beyond nature” and seek the help of Heaven.

I’m not aware of any particular prayer for successful education in general, although there is a prayer that a Torah student customarily says when entering a study hall and when exiting it that is generally found posted at the entrance to the study hall.

In your case I would make the following two suggestions:

  1. Offering a heartfelt prayer to God in your own words for your children’s success. Feel free to be as detailed in your requests as you desire. You know your children the best.

  2. The fourth blessing of the daily prayer – Amida (standing silent prayer) – is a prayer for wisdom. In this blessing we say “You graciously endow man with wisdom and teach insight to a moral; endow us graciously from Yourself with wisdom, insight and discernment”. I suggest having your children and anyone else you please in mind when saying this blessing.

I truly wish that you see your children succeed in the path that you wish that they follow and have nachat (Jewish parental pleasure) from them during the coming school year and throughout your lives.

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