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Is it okay to spank your child when they need to be disciplined? "Spare the rod - spoil the child." Thank you. answered:

The writings of the Sages and the Rabbis are replete with references to bringing up children. In Judaism, the children are given paramount importance as they are the continuity of the Jewish People. Subsequently, we are taught that it is vital that they be taught according to their individual abilities and talents. As a rule today corporal punishment is very much frowned upon and should not be used.

In much earlier times the concept of punishing a child by hitting them was the accepted norm but as the generations progressed it became apparent that such a physical approach would not achieve the desired ends of instilling in our children the love and the passion to live a life that reflects the teachings of the Torah. On the contrary, children would even rebel from this perceived violation of their rights.

Already two hundred years ago one of the foremost educators of the generation wrote that we must teach our children with love and gentleness, as that is the only way that we can have them absorb the Torah message of pleasantness and peace.

Other authorities have written that just as we find that medical treatment used in previous generations are not applicable today because they are harmful, so too we find the same with psychological and educational programs. We are no longer able to utilize corporal punishment and abusive treatment as they did in the past. That is because we find they weaken Jewish society instead of having the desired outcome of strengthening it and producing improvements. 

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