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Prayer to find Lost Object


What prayer can you say if you lost something and are trying to find it? answered:

There is a universal formula for finding a lost object, originating with Rabbi Meir Ba'al HaNess. There is a special short prayer that is recited and some money should be donated to charity to elevate the soul of Rabbi Meir Ba'al HaNess.

The prayer is: "Amar Rabbi Binyamin, hakol bechezkat soomin ad sheHakadosh Baruch Hu meir et eineihem, min hacha: vayifkach Elohim et eineyhah vtelech vatimaleh et hachemet."

Translation: Rabbi Binyamin said: All are in the presumed status of blind people, until The Holy One, Blessed Be He, enlightens their eyes. We learn this from [Ber. 21:19]: "And God opened her eyes, and she saw a well of water; and she went, and filled the bottle with water, and gave the lad drink".

Then you say: "Eloha d'Meir eineini, Eloha d'Meir eineini, Eloha d'Meir eineini, b'zechut hatzadakah sheani nodev l'ilui nishmat Rabbi Meir Ba'al HaNess zechto yagen aleinu, limztoh et ha'aveida she'ebaditi."

Translation: God of Meir, answer me. God of Meir, answer me. God of Meir, answer me. In the merit of the charity that I give to the ascending of the soul of Rabbi Meir Baal HaNes, may his merit protect us, may I find the lost article that I lost.

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