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Living It Up


Does the Torah provide any guidelines for making a livelihood? answered:

Certainly. The Torah is our “instruction manual” and a principle of Judaism is that everything is found in the Torah. We are taught in Ethics of Our Fathers (5:6), “Study it and study it, for everything is in it.” In other words, all of the wisdom of the world can be found in the Torah.

The Talmud is replete with references to making a livelihood. The basic guidelines are that one must be moral and ethical in all business dealings. One of the foundations of the Jewish approach to earning a living is that one's livelihood comes from God and it is mistake to lose sight of that fact.

The famous Rabbi of Lotzk was once asked what King David meant when he wrote, "When you eat the labor of your hands you are praiseworthy and all is well with you" (Psalms 128). The rabbi answered that it should be “the labor of your hands” but not the total preoccupation of your mind. In other words, one should make a serious and sincere effort to provide a sufficient income but should keep in mind that there are other important values in this world besides money. Once, one of his followers came for a blessing for his shoe manufacturing business. The rabbi told him, “You are truly an unusual person! Most people put their feet in their shoes, whereas you seem to have put your head in your shoes!”

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