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German Coins


I am Jewish. A relative passed away and I inherited many things including an extensive coin collection. There are several rare coins from Nazi Germany. Having them disgusts me, but they are quite valuable. I'm struggling with what to do with them. I thought about selling them and donating the money to a charity in Israel. How do you feel about this? Any advice would be most helpful. Thank you. answered:

Just like there are two sides to a coin, there are two opposite schools of thought regarding the issue of deriving a benefit in our time from anything related to the monstrous Nazi regime.

Many people and organizations avoid having anything to do with anything “German”. They boycott German goods and even refuse to accept any reparations or “apologies” made by Germany for their historic behavior that was evil beyond description. I am the son of a Holocaust survivor who was in Auschwitz and other concentration camps and miraculously was not murdered. Her parents and most siblings and other family members were not so lucky.

Others, however, feel that modern Germany has made sincere efforts to atone for their deeds and the sins of their parents. Therefore, we should accept them and their efforts for atonement, while not forgetting any atrocity that Nazi Germany did to us and our people. In addition, it seems to me that modern Germany is perhaps the most supporting ally of Israel in Europe today in many ways. This is a factor not to be taken lightly.

Regarding the rare coins you inherited, I truly empathize with the predicament you find yourself in. However, I am not sure I can answer your question, as the answer is very personal and subjective. I, personally, would have no qualms about selling the coins and donating the proceeds to charity. However, that does not mean that every charity would be happy to receive the donation if they would know from where the money originated. Perhaps the answer is to sell the coins and then to approach a charity (or charities) of your choice and to ask then if they have any objections to accepting a donation that came from some Nazi coins. If they say that they would prefer not to receive such a donation you can try contacting the next name on your list. I imagine it would not be too difficult to find a charity that would accept your much-needed donation.

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