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The Myth of Moses’ Mountain


Where is Moses buried? answered:

Moses died atop a mountain called Nevo, from which he was shown the Land of Israel, which he was not allowed to enter. He was subsequently buried by God in a valley in Moab. We do not know this location and never did. (Deut. 34:1-6)

The reason why his burial place was kept unknown to everyone is so that people should not turn it into a place to worship him, which would be idolatry.

Which reminds me of a story of a time when I accompanied students visiting Israel from the States to tour and learn basic Judaism.

When the tour bus was traveling near Jericho to the east of Jerusalem, the guide pointed to the south and said, “Over there is the place where the tradition is that Moses is buried.” Immediately, one of the students stood up and said, “That’s baloney!” When the tour guide asked why, the student explained, “We know that Moses did not enter Israel, and therefore he was buried outside of Israel before crossing the Jordan River from east to west. But this place is only on the outskirts of Jerusalem, and we still have a ways to go eastward before we get to the Jordan River. Therefore, that story must be propaganda to try and convince people how much smaller the original boundaries of Israel were!” The tour guide agreed and said he would revise his telling of the “landmark” in accordance with the way the student clearly explained.

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