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Reaction to Terror


My heart goes out to the victims of the recent terrorist attacks in Israel – especially the horrific massacre at the shul in Har Nof. I don’t live in Israel but I wonder what Judaism teaches about dealing with current situation? answered:

I write this reply to you from Jerusalem where I am currently located. All Jews here and worldwide are dealing with the current wave of tragic events in their personal ways and as a united community as well. Virtually everyone is wondering why these events occurred, what the future holds for us, and what efforts and attitudes we should pursue in order to attempt to live the lives we want for ourselves.

What is the most frequently-asked question that I’ve heard from friends, family and students lately? I would say it’s the question you pose here of how to deal with the current events. Terror tends to breed feelings of worry and insecurity can have serious effects, both psychologically and negatively impact daily functioning.

The answer that Rabbinical leaders today offer to your question is the same exact answer that we have been taught for millennia – “bitachon”, which means to have trust in God that there is a good reason for all events. There is an oft-quoted saying in Judaism that “God runs the world”. Of course, we should make our own reasonable human efforts to prevent such events, and this is being done by the Israeli security forces as well as heightened alertness of civilians. But the main “hishtadlut” – human effort – we have been taught in Judaism to do in times of trouble is to turn to God in prayer and try to improve our deeds – especially with increased acts of charity, loving-kindness and trying to be better Jews in general.

May God console the mourners and heal the wounded, and may we know no more sorrow. Amen.

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