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“Prosperity” II


Hello Rabbi and thank you for your time. Being prosperous is very important to me. Are there guidelines that we should follow in order to be prosperous? answered:

I’m not sure I can give you any special business or investment advice, but I can share some of the wisdom of our Jewish sages on how to be rich and prosperous in life.

We are taught in “Ethics of the Fathers” (Pirkei Avot 4:1) that true prosperity is being satisfied and happy with what one has. Personally, I think that that is a credo that every person should carry around with them at all times, as it is the key to a calm and happy approach to whatever “curveballs” life throws a person.

Another teaching is from Joshua who led the Jewish nation into Israel after the Exodus and being in the desert for 40 years. Joshua told the people, “Be strong and very courageous. Be careful to obey all the law my servant Moses gave you; do not turn from it to the right or to the left, so that you may be successful wherever you go.”

These are two basic guides to prosperity and success. Being satisfied with whatever one has and following our tradition from Moses and Sinai.

Does that mean we should not make serious efforts to earn a livelihood and use our financial resources widely? Of course we should try to do what we can. But one should keep in mind that his efforts won’t necessarily lead to prosperity, and even if he makes a good living there is no guarantee he will be satisfied and “feel” rich. A person’s nature is often “the more he has, the more he wants”. Such a person actually may feel poor.

I wish you much happiness and success in finding your own person prosperity in life.

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