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Hello, are there any examples of the importance of “inspiration” that you can tell me about? Is it important in Judaism? I assume so, but I never actually heard about it. Many thanks! answered:

I thought I would sit around and wait for a flash of inspiration before to replying to your fascinating question, but since I see it’s just not happening I will just have to try anyway and hope for inspiration as I write!

The main task of the Levites in the Temple in Jerusalem was to sing Psalms during the services there. A great Chassidic rabbi wrote that the purpose of their singing and playing musical instruments was to inspire people to draw closer to God.

Not only was the concept of inspiration fundamental to the worship in the Temple, it is rife throughout the teachings of our teachers throughout the generations. They often quote the words of their own teachers, who not only transmitted “information”, but, perhaps more importantly, also inspired them to reveal the wisdom and beauty of Judaism and the Torah and live their lives accordingly.

Please allow a personal anecdote. A few years ago my nephew was making plans to come for a year to a Yeshiva in Israel after finishing High School. He gave me a list of a few he was considering and asked which one I thought was best suited for him. I mentioned one of them and he asked me if they would inspire him to learn. I told him that they should be able to teach him much and inspire him to a great extent. That would only be the beginning of a process and ultimately he would hopefully be inspired enough to continue to learn and grow throughout life in whatever he does.

I hope this reply has been helpful and at least somewhat “inspiring” – at least enough for you to take it from here and go on and continue in much happiness and success!

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