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What is the Jewish view on poverty? answered:

Poverty in Judaism is not measured according to how much money a person has - it is measured according to the person's satisfaction and contentment in life. The Mishna in Ethics of the Fathers explains that a rich man is one who is content with his lot in life. Most of the spiritual leaders of the Jewish People over all the generations would have been regarded as extremely poor if not destitute according to financial measuring-rods, and yet they are regarded with awe and reverence by the Jewish Nation. The Chofetz Chaim, one of the greatest sages who ever lived, was once approached by a very wealthy man about a certain issue. During their conversation the Chofetz Chaim recommended to the man that he set aside some time each day for learning Torah. The man answered the Chofetz Chaim that, due to his extensive and all-consuming business interests, he does not have the time available. The Chofetz Chaim looked at the man incredulously and told him that anyone who does not have the time to what is truly important is in worse shape than the poorest pauper!

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