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Suffering in the World


Dear Rabbi, can you please explain to me why there is so much suffering in the world? Thank you! answered:

Not exactly, but I will share what I have been taught. Judaism teaches that God is intimately involved in the world to the point that the Sages relate that even a blade of grass cannot grow without God appointing an angel over it.

How does that translate into understanding how terrible things happen in this world? There is a poignant story told by Rabbi Wasserman in the Kovno Ghetto. He told his students that he never went to sleep if someone had asked him a question and he had not answered it. Often he would stay up all night until he found the answer. But there was one question that he had never been able to find the answer to and that is "Why?" "Why me?" "Why my parents?" Why my grandparents?" "Why my wife and children?"

"I still don't know the answer to that question," he told his students. "But I have come to an understanding of why that question cannot be answered."

And he told those gathered around him a parable. There was once a man who knew absolutely nothing about agriculture. One day he came to a farm to watch and see how things were done there. The farmer asked the man to look around and then describe what it was that he saw. The man said, "I see a beautiful, enormous, lush, green field." The farmer then got into his tractor and started to plow up all the green grass and growth and leave nothing but brown, earthen furrows in its place.

"Why did you ruin the field" asked the visitor. "Have patience" answered the farmer, "and everything will become clear."

The farmer then took a sack full of fat, healthy kernels of wheat and again asked the man to describe what he saw. After he described it the farmer then took the kernels and started dropping them into the ground and then covering them up with dirty earth!

"Why did you ruin the kernels" asked the visitor. "Have patience" answered the farmer, "and everything will become clear."

After quite a while the kernels started to sprout and the farmer took his guest to see the field replete with straight lines of green stalks poking out of the ground. The visitor smiled and said, "I really do apologize. Now I understand why it was that you did what you did! Now the field is even more beautiful than it was originally!"

The farmer interrupted, "Have patience, because nothing is truly clear yet." They waited more time until the wheat looked magnificent, chest high and golden in color. At that point the farmer came along and started to chop everything down! The field looked disgusting, there was a huge mess everywhere and seemingly very little to show for it. At that point the farmer started collecting up all the stalks and he moved them to another part of the farm where he started to bash them around! After the bashing he was left with an enormous pile of kernels and the chaff was swept away by the wind.

Of course, at each stage of the proceedings the visitor asked, "Why did you ruin it" and the farmer answered, "Have patience and everything will become clear."

Finally the farmer's wagon was completely full of kernels and they set off to the mill. When the kernels were all ground down into flour the visitor couldn't control himself and he shouted at the farmer "But all you've done is turn it into a huge pile of dirt! Of what possible use is that to anyone?!"

"Have patience" answered the farmer, "and very soon everything will become clear."

They made their way back to the farmhouse and the visitor watched as the farmer took s

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