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Dealing with Failure

If I have failed all the people around me, and also my religious teachings, what is my purpose in life? Should I just give up? answered:

Failure is not a reason to give up. If it were, there would be nothing new in this world since all new things happen after a series of attempts that ended in failure. There would be no happy, healthy relationships because we all fail at times and we would not be able to move onwards after failing. One of the beauties of Judaism is that there is no such thing as a "Dead-End" in God's Eyes.

Yes, we can fail and we do things that are truly terrible and horrible but it is always possible to return to God. What it does require is a lot of inner strength to be able to look people in the eye and admit to have treated them badly and to ask their forgiveness. It is also extremely hard to acknowledge the mistakes that we have made - whether deliberately or accidently, whether against God or our fellow man. However, our Rabbis teach that our ability to admit and acknowledge is the first stop in the voyage back to where we truly want to be.

May God bless you with the strength to return to Him and to continue growing closer to Him at all times and in all ways.

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