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"The Free Will Paradox"


What does Judaism say about a person’s “fate”? Thank you. answered:

“Fate” or ‘predestination” is not a Jewish concept. A person has a special “power” that separates him from all other living beings called “free will”. This is the freedom to choose between moral and immoral, good and bad. These choices affect his life in this world and the next.

We are taught in Ethics of our Fathers (3:19), "all is foreseen, yet permission to choose is granted". This seems to be a paradox and contradiction. How can we be free to choose if the outcome is foreseen by the Creator.

Maimonides asks this question and answers that there is no contradiction. The fact that an Omniscient God knows what a person will choose does not prevent the person from making the free choice that he wants. It only shows that Omniscient means “all-knowing”, even if this is a concept beyond a person who is not omniscient.

Here is true story that I hope will help provide additional clarity.

Once a king conquered a city. With his entourage was a renowned rabbi. When they reached the city walls, two gates, one small and one large, came into view. The king then asked the rabbi, "Let us see if you know which gate I will choose for my victorious entrance as the conqueror." The rabbi wrote a note, sealed it and gave it to the king, to open after his having entered the city, to see if indeed the rabbi could predict the king's decision.

The king began to think. Certainly, as a conqueror, I should enter through the larger gate. Then he reconsidered and thought, any child would understand that. I'll enter the small gate that would never have occurred to the rabbi. Immediately he again reconsidered, saying that the rabbi would certainly have foreseen such a decision. In his search to outwit the rabbi, the king constantly changed his mind, first deciding to enter through the large gate and then reversing himself. Finally, an idea occurred to him, he would break open the wall and enter through the newly-created breach. Certainly the rabbi would not have thought of that. When he entered the city and opened the note he saw it written: " ' A king breaks the fence' (Talmud, Bava Kama 60b) and the king will enter through the breach.

We see that although the king has complete free will, still the rabbi knew beforehand what the king would choose. In fact he knew it from the wisdom of the Torah, taught to us by our Omniscient Creator.

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