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Did Chanukah Miracle Really Happen?


Did the Chanukah miracle of the oil lasting for eight days actually happen? Our son was told by his Hebrew school teacher that the miracle of the oil did not actually occur, and is just a story the rabbis came up with so that Jews weren't celebrating a military victory. Believing in God's miracles is an important part of our family's faith. The story of this miracle is one that our children have grown up with, and we are quite dismayed that our temple is teaching that it is fictional. We would appreciate any insights you can provide on this question. Thank you! answered:

Yes, please rest assured that it took place as the Rabbis and the Scroll of Antiochus (which, interestingly enough is not a part of the Bible) describe. I am not quite sure how to react to the essence of your question. The thing that we commemorate by lighting Chanukah candles is the fact that the miracle of the oil lasted for eight days, whereas the victory in battle is mentioned in the prayers but does not seem to correspond to a specific mitzvah. We do relatively little to commemorate the physical victory because without the spiritual dimensions there is no spiritual reason to celebrate.

I must confess to be a little taken aback to the approach that is being taught to your son. After all, the only way that anyone has ever celebrated Chanukah is by lighting the Menorah and adding candles for eight nights. I assume that your son is being taught to do that as well but what for if the whole thing is merely a fabrication of the Rabbis? And how is it possible that when the Sages introduced the lighting of the Menorah not one person stood up and screamed that it is not true and that there is absolutely no reason to do so? 

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