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In the Beginning


What is the first thing that we are supposed to pray for according to the prayer service found in the Siddur? answered:

The first request we make is for wisdom and understanding. This is actually found in the fourth blessing of the Amida (the main daily prayer), following the three blessings of praise that begin the prayer. Why do we ask for wisdom and understanding first before asking for health, wealth and nearly everything else under the sun?

Let me explain by means of a true story. A teenage girl knocked on our door one Sunday morning, offering a free copy of a local newspaper. I declined, since I did not like that particular newspaper. She then asked if I would like to buy a subscription. (Obviously she was not a student of logic – if I did not want a free copy, I was certainly not going to pay for a subscription!) Not deterred by my refusal, she then begged me to reconsider. I asked her why she was so desperate to sell the paper, and she replied, “If I sell two more subscriptions I will win a CD player” and I really need one!” Now, had she said that she was saving up for college, or helping to support her family because her father was unemployed, I would have been more sympathetic – but fulfilling her “need” for a CD player  was not something that I felt required my contribution.

When we pray, we should ask ourselves, “Is this a frivolous request” Will I use God’s gift for a positive purpose? How have I used the gifts He has given me until now? Prayer, therefore, involves an appraisal of one’s life, a reality-check.

Therefore we ask for wisdom and understanding before we ask for anything else so that we will know how to use whatever we receive from God as a result of our request. Also if we have the gift of wisdom we will know what to ask for – what will be in our best interest – throughout the rest of our prayer.

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