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Which Language to Pray In

If one does not really understand much of the meaning of Hebrew tefillot, is it preferable to pray in English, and be able to understand what one is saying, until one manages to learn the meaning of the prayer? (I am wondering what to do during the Days of Awe as I am unfamiliar with much of the prayers said on these days.....) answered:

Although technically speaking the Halacha is that one may pray in English, the authorities emphasize the Halachic and spiritual advantages of praying in Hebrew and strongly discouraging using other languages. The Mishna Berura cites the Chatam Sofer and concludes that it is better to pray in Hebrew (Lashon HaKodesh) if possible, the words with which prayer was originally instituted. 

Subsequently, if the person is able to read the Hebrew (not fluently) without understanding the meaning of each word, but with an understanding of each topic, it is preferable to do so. Both the ArtScroll Siddur and Machzorim (available on line from ArtScroll at and from any Jewish bookstore) are excellent as they have headings for each of the paragraphs of the Amida to make our prayers more significant. They also have extremely informative footnotes to both the prayers and the Torah Reading to enhance the "Prayer-Experience". It is important to know that praying with concentration and intent is something which takes work and does not come easily. But when a person finally becomes immersed in the prayers there is no other feeling like it in the world.

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