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How Many Candles


Please tell me what determines how many Shabbat candles should be lit on Friday afternoon before Shabbat begins - is it the number of family members or something else. Thank you answered:

Hi. Good question. The basic mitzvah is one candle, although a virtually universal custom is to light at least two: one for the verse in the Ten Commandments to "guard the day from forbidden work" and one for the verse to "remember the Sabbath day to sanctify it".

What you mention about lighting according to family size is the widespread custom of which I am familiar. One starts off with two candles (usually the wife right after getting married) and then adds a candle for each new child born to the family - who also brings light into the home.

However, this is alla matter ofcustom and I assume there areother customs as well. One shouldfollow one's family custom in the matter.

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