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The Burning Bush


What does the burning bush signify? answered:

The burning bush was the first place that God spoke to Moses and assigned him to free the Jewish slaves from Egypt and bring them to Israel with the Torah. Rabbi Samson R. Hirsch teaches that there are two important lessons to learn from this event occurring at the burning bush.

The pure fire – without any substance actually burning – represents Divinity in this world. God speaking from a bush that burned and yet was not consumed shows that anyone who yearns closeness to the Almighty need not fear harm, just as the bush remained unscathed.

In additional to this message to each individual, there is also a national message taught here as well. God was telling Moses that the Divine Presence would accompany him on his mission to lead the Jewish nation. God spoke from a bush of thorns, which signified that He was also with the Jewish people in their suffering in Egypt and would be with Moses throughout his mission to lead the Jewish nation to safety and fulfilment of their Divine purpose.

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