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Easy to be Jewish?


I saw your Gateways Ask the Rabbi website on exhibit at the Deutsches Hygiene-Museum in Dresden, Germany. I hope you don’t mind if I ask a question. I never really had a chance to ask a rabbi before. Is it hard to follow your religion and your faith, or is it easy because you’ve grown up Jewish? answered:

The verse states that "The ways of the Torah are ways of pleasantness and all its paths are peace" (Proverbs 3:17). If one does not feel involved in something pleasant and peaceful then one is not really practicing Judaism according to the true spirit of the Torah and Judaism.  

Is it “easy” or is it “hard” to be Jewish? I think that it is relative to everything else in life. Would you say that life is easy or life is hard in general? Some things appear to be easier and some appear to be harder, but they should all have the same thing in common when it comes to Jewish practice – everything should be pleasant.

Growing up Jewish certainly makes it easier since there are not so many bad habits to break. On the other hand, if one is newly introduced to Jewish practice and belief there is a certain intellectual, spiritual and even physical thrill that one experiences more than somebody who grew up that way.

Your question is truly fascinating to consider and I thank you for it since it has made me ponder certain aspects of our life that we take for granted!

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