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More Kosher than Kosher


How can there be different standards of kosher? Either it’s kosher or it’s not kosher, no? Thanks. answered:

These factors involve knowledge of Jewish law and often there are different Jewish legal opinions (halacha) regarding whether a certain factor will render the food kosher or not. Some legal authorities will render lenient opinions, while others will be stricter regarding the same factor. What does one do in such a case?

It depends on one’s “standards”. If one is more lenient regarding kosher foods he will likely rely on the lenient authorities considering the food kosher. One who decides to abide by stricter standards may possibly not consider a particular food to be “kosher” even though someone else who lives by more lenient standards considers the same food to be kosher. Obviously the factors that may play a role can be numerous (too numerous to list here) but the supervising organization that certifies the food to be kosher must take all of these factors into account.

Perhaps the concept of standards of kosherness can be better understood by examining our basic relationship to different “levels” of food in general. There is “regular” food and there is “gourmet” food. For example, olive oil comes in many different grades and the price is reflected in its quality and purity. They are all “olive oil” but someone who is looking for cold-pressed extra-virgin olive oil will not be satisfied with anything less. The same is true for wine. A person looking to drink prestige cuvée champagne is not interested in Asti Spumanti. Does that mean that Asti Spumanti is not wine or that regular olive oil is not olive oil? No, certainly not, but it is also not of the same quality as the cuvée champagne and the cold-pressed extra-virgin olive oil. Likewise with kosher food.

I hope this is helpful and may your food always be kosher, nutritious and delicious!  

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