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Blessing a Kohen with the Priestly Blessing


At my shul the Rabbi blesses a Bar Mitzvah boy with the priestly blessing although he is not a Kohen. I can sort of accept this. But I find it incongruous when the Bar Mitzvah boy is a Kohen. Should the Bar Mitzvah boy not be blessing the rabbi now that he has reached the age of being able to do the blessing? answered:

While I appreciate that it might have looked a little odd, nevertheless, there is nothing wrong with it all. Not only is it the Blessing that is given by the Kohanim to the community it is also, in many homes, the Blessing that parents bless their children each Friday night. The Sages teach that it is a Blessing that contains everything that a person could want.

The blessing appears in Numbers 6:24-26, and this is its translation:

May God bless you and guard you.
May God shine His countenance upon you and be gracious to you.
May God turn His countenance toward you and grant you peace.

I think that it is a very apt Blessing for the Rabbi of a congregation to give to a Bar Mitzvah boy (regardless of whether he is a Kohen or not).

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