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Congragation’s Prayer During Priestly Blessing


In my synagogue, when the kohanim bless the congregation — called Birkat Kohanim — while they say the word "shalom", the custom is to say a prayer which includes the following request: "Establish us for love, grace and kindness in your eyes and in the eyes of all who see us… just as you established Joseph your righteous one at the time that his father clothed him in the coat of many colors, for grace, kindness and mercy in your eyes and in the eyes of all who beheld him." I don't understand this prayer, since from the moment that Joseph donned the coat of many colors, his brothers hated him and this led to all his troubles. answered:

Many years ago I asked the same question to Rav Auerbach! He answered that the wording of the congregation’s prayer is crucial to understanding it - the prayer says that Joseph found grace in the eyes of all who looked at him. The brothers weren't looking at Joseph; they were looking at his clothing and they were so overcome with jealousy that they could not see Joseph - the person.

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