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Celebrating Bar/Bat Mitzvah


What’s the reason for celebrating and making a festive party for when a boy or girl has a bar mitzvah or bat mitzvah? answered:

In the Western world, reaching legal adulthood usually means that one now has certain rights that he or she did not have before. The “new” adult now has the right to drive, to vote, to buy cigarettes and alcohol, to get a credit card and so on. It is a time to enjoy doing many things that were previously not allowed, a celebration of rights and the loosening of restrictions. This view is in stark contrast to the significance of reaching bar/bat mitzvah. We celebrate the fact that the child has matured sufficiently to become obligated in Jewish Law, to enter a community and join the historical chain that began with Abraham and Sarah.

The occasion of becoming obligated in the commandments is a time of joy and happiness because we understand that the mitzvot are not only obligations but also gifts from God, opportunities to become better people.

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