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Being Orderly


Dear Rabbi, how can I become a more orderly and organized person? I feel that my home and my daily life are too messy and chaotic. Thank you. answered:

Actually, I empathize with you. I also tend to be less orderly then I ought to be.

The Rabbis teach that a certain sense of orderliness is a very beneficial thing. A person who knows where his possessions are and knows his daily schedule, is a person who can navigate his way through each day in a more organized and calmer fashion.

I don’t know of any one system that will work for everyone, since we are all different in our characters and abilities. However, one thing that I do is to write out a basic timetable of my weekly schedule so that I know where I am supposed to be and at what time. I write myself little notes if I have to bring certain things with me so that I do not forget them. Is it an infallible system? No, it is not but it is definitely considerably better than having no system at all!

The concept of living in an organized manner is seen in manner aspects of Jewish life. In fact the first section of the Code of Jewish Law deals with waking up in the morning and the guidance throughout one’s day (Shulchan Aruch – “Daily Life”).

We learn in the Torah that the tribes traveled and camped in the Sinai desert on their way from Egypt to Israel in a very specific and organized manner. The verse states in the Book of Numbers (Bamidbar), “every man at his camp and every man at his banner…" 

The camps of the tribes were orderly and organized, since each tribe had a distinct character and complementary purpose within the entire make-up of the Jewish nation. The Torah is based on order: A split-second divides Shabbat from the weekdays. A hairsbreadth between kosher and non-kosher; one drop of water divides a kosher mikveh (ritularium) from one that is unfit. With the guidelines of being orderly and organized the Jewish People are able fulfill their purpose in a pleasant and successful manner.

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