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A Time of Comfort


I saw on the calendar that this Shabbat is called “Shabbat Nachamu – a Shabbat of Comfort”. What is the special significance of this Shabbat? answered:

Comfort follows tragedy.

After three weeks in which the haftarot read in the synagogue on Shabbat spoke of the tragedies which the prophet warned would befall the people of Israel as a consequence of their sins, we are provided with the consoling Divine words of “Be comforted (nachamu) My nation.” (Isaiah 40:1-26) 

Not just that one haftara on Shabbat Nachamu following the fast of Tisha B’Av but seven entire weeks of comforting prophecies.

What a wonderful message for Jews in Israel during the difficult days of war against vicious terrorists wreaking death and destruction. The sweet words of comfort that the prophet says in the name of God communicate the message that the suffering that preceded them was the therapy of a loving father who wishes to direct his children on the path that will lead them to fulfillment of their mission in life.

May we merit to soon hear those words of comfort for our current suffering, and see Israel in peace and security forever.

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