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Virtual Forgiveness

E. T. of Denver asked:
Is it permissible to ask for forgiveness via email rather than in person? I know it's not preferable, but many of us work in large networked environments. We would choose the option of sending it receipt-requested to a specific address rather than an all-points broadcast. Thanks! answered:
There are two components in achieving forgiveness from someone we have wronged. One is the initiative of asking for forgiveness; the other is the granting of the forgiveness. Ideally, we try for both. While doing so in person is the best way to appease someone, it is not always possible. Asking for forgiveness in a written letter, over the phone or in cyberspace is also acceptable – particularly when the person responds.

Nevertheless, even if a person doesn't confirm his forgiveness, in the pre- Kol Nidre confession a person says that he forgives anyone who wronged him, and prays that Heaven will inspire others to forgive him as well.

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