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Doing a Mitzvah with God


What is the purpose of a mitzvah? answered:

The purpose of a mitzvah is to keep us reminded of our relationship with God. The mitzvahs are intended to be an integral part of every facet of our lives.

A major purpose of a mitzvah is to help us be aware that God is with us at all times. This awareness, in turn, encourages us to do more mitzvahs. The result of all this is that the more we are involved in doing mitzvahs, the “closer” we are to God.

Our great Rabbinical teachings explain this connection between doing a mitzvah and becoming closer to God. They teach that the word “mitzvah” is not just a random grouping of letters. Although the word mitzvah is usually (and correctly) translated as “a commandment”, it is, in its deepest meaning, much more. The word “mitzvah” and the word “tzavta” share the same Hebrew root. “Tzavta” means “to accompany”. This teaches that when a person does a mitzvah he is accompanied by God.

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