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Martial Arts and Special Forces


Is learning the martial art of “aikido” kosher? My concern is that it’s based on the concept that a “force” flows through the body and universe that can be focused by a person to use for self-defense. Is there a contradiction between belief in one God, while also accepting the idea that there is this special unseen force? Isn’t this force analogous to the gravitation force? Thanks. answered:

I’m not an Aikido expert, but I do have a black belt in Judo-ism. Ahem.

Before I answer your question, I would like to say that I find martial arts truly amazing. I mean, people with years of training in martial arts can, using only their hands and feet, make some of the worst movies in history.

Now to your question: The idea there can exist such a force as you have described is not inconsistent with mainstream Jewish belief, as long as you believe that this force, like all forces, is created by and controlled by one God. I think your analogy to gravity is a good one.

There is another analogous concept that is specific to Judaism: the concept of “ruach Elokim,” a Divine “wind” or spirit, which gives a person extra-human powers, strengths and abilities. This is the power to which the Bible attributes Samson's source of strength.

But Judaism also has a concept of “ruach tumah,” an impure “wind.” This force also lets a person tap into powers, but is detrimental to one's spiritual state.

Another point to consider is that some Eastern disciplines involve what we consider idolatrous practices: for example, bowing to the room, bowing to the force, or “talking to” the force. We are not allowed to make requests of spiritual forces, only to God.

In conclusion, believing in the existence of such a force can be okay, while the way one relates to that force can border on idol worship if done incorrectly.

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