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Walking Four Cubits in Israel

Daniel asked:

Just recently, I started learning with a friend of mine. While learning we came up with the following problem. He claims that if you live in Eretz Yisrael (the Land of Israel) you do a mitzvah with every step you take. I learned it once before but do not recall where. Maybe you could help us find where this is and explain this important issue. answered:

Dear Daniel

What the Talmud actually says is: "One who walks a distance of four cubits (approximately 6 - 8 feet) in the Land of Israel is assured of being a ben olam haba - heir to the World to Come." Because of the intrinsic Holiness of the Land of Israel, a person gains spiritual merit by merely walking here.

So, each step is a step towards "walking four cubits" in the Land of Israel, but unless you have a really big stride, you can't do it all in one step.


  • Ketuvot 111a
  • Maharal Chidushei Aggadot 1:168

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