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Still Jewish?


I was born to Jewish parents. My mom tried to keep a kosher home, and celebrated most of the holidays as well as lighting candles every Friday night. Growing up, I hardly went with her to Temple, and the only holidays I celebrated in some way were Passover (although I’ve never been to a real Seder) and Hannukah. My question is this: Even though I don't follow the dietary laws, nor do I celebrate any holidays, I believe in God and have tried to live a good life. Am I still a Jew? answered:

Yes, absolutely! You are Jewish and I hope and pray that you will still have the opportunity to experience some of the most enchanting and sublime experiences of the Jewish year.

It is never too late to put out feelers and to see if there is a community near you. There may be one you that you will enjoy sharing in their Jewish educational and social events. There’s also a real possibility that they will also appreciate connecting with you as well, and gain from being with you!

There are also numerous learning opportunities that are available for everyone regardless of their age and their religious observance, both over the phone and in person. I don't know if you have looked but I suggest you check out the Gateways Organization’s website ( to see if there are any classes, events or activities that appeal to you (I’m sure some will!) — and please don’t hesitate to make contact with them if you find something.

Whatever you do, I wish you much happiness and success and invite you to write again with any questions you may have about Judaism.

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