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Do religious Jews workout? For example: swimming, gym or jogging? Is there time for such activities in the religious lifestyle with all the studying and praying? How is it recommended that you take care of your body, not only with what you are eating? Thanks in advance. answered:

The Torah commands us to look after our bodies. Some take that injunction more to heart (pun intended) than others. Somehow they make it a priority to find time for a proper regimen for working out in the ways you mention. Others at least make sure to walk for exercise and to make some kind of physical activity a part of their days. And some others lead very sedentary lifestyles.

In general, however, exercise is a mitzvah when done for health reasons. The Torah says "...Guard your life very carefully..." A person must do his all to preserve his health and prolong his life.

Maimonides – Rabbi Moses ben Maimon (1137-1204 CE) - states, "It is a positive mitzvah to remove any impediment that might pose a danger to life, and to be extremely cautious regarding this." Maimonides was a renowned physician and recommended exercise for preventing illness and for promoting good health.

He also writes, "Having a healthy and complete body is following in the ways of God, as it is impossible to understand and to perceive the knowledge of the Creator when one is sick; therefore people must distance themselves from things that are destructive to the body, and conduct themselves in ways that are strengthening and therapeutic."

Maimonides highly recommends exercise as part of his overall prescription for health. He even ranks it higher than proper diet, saying that, "anyone who exercises and engages in a lot of physical activity, doesn't overeat and maintains regularity, sickness will not come upon him, and his strength will increase, even if he eats unhealthy foods."

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