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Bar Mitzva and Counting Omer with a Blessing

May a boy who has his bar mitzvah during Sefirat HaOmer continue counting with a Bracha? answered:

The Torah says "From the day after Pesach you shall count seven complete weeks..." We therefore count each day for 49 days between Pesach and Shavuot, saying "today is the first day of the Omer, today is the second day of the Omer, etc." Each day we make a blessing.

The authorities differ whether each day's count is a mitzvah by itself, or if together all 49 days comprise one single mitzvah. The difference would be in a case where someone forget to count:

  • If each day is a separate mitzvah, someone who forgot a day continues to fulfill the mitzvah by counting the following days. So he should continue counting and each day say the blessing.
  • But if together all 49 days comprise one single mitzvah, someone who missed a day can no longer fulfill the mitzvah. Consequently, he can't say the blessing.
In practice, someone who forgets a day continues to count - in accordance with the first opinion - but does not say the blessing - in consideration of the second opinion.

But what should you do? On the one hand, you've counted every day! But since you're not yet bar mitzvah and aren't commanded by the Torah to count, perhaps your counting 'doesn't count.' Perhaps your "seven complete weeks" are incomplete.

Most Poskim rule that if you counted every day until your bar mitzvah, you continue counting with a blessing.

Interestingly enough, Akiva, the command to count the Omer is found in parshat Emor - your bar mitzvah parsha. The verse says "Count after Pesach, the day you bring the Omer offering, seven complete weeks..." In Hebrew, the word 'complete' is the 12th word of the verse. Perhaps this hints that even though you are only 12 years old and not yet bar mitzvah, your mitzvah of counting is nonetheless 'complete'!


  • Minchat Chinuch, Mitzvah 306
  • Aruch HaShulchan Orach Chaim. 489:15
  • Sheilot U'tshuvot Ktav Sofer 99
  • Sheilot U'tshuvot Maharam Shick 260

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