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Urge to Eat Non Kosher Food

Philipp asked:
Dear Rabbi,

Do you ever feel the need or the urge to eat pork? answered:

No, not really. But by the same token, I've never had a real urge for whale, camel, elephant, crow, or any unkosher meat. (Though I have eaten my hat on a number or occasions.)

I must admit, I'm personally repulsed by the thought of eating pork, although this may not be a "kosher" attitude! Our Sages teach us a fascinating idea: Rabban Shimon ben Gamliel says, "Don't say ‘I don't want to eat meat with milk...rather say "I want to, but what can I do, God has decreed that I must not." So, it's OK - even desirable, perhaps - for a Jew to have the urge to eat pork, but nevertheless to refrain due to God's decree.

The famous Torah giant Rabbi Yaakov Kaminetsky was the head of the Torah Voda'ath Talumdic Academy in Brooklyn, New York. Near the academy was a non-kosher pizza shop. Walking past the pizza shop one day with his students, Rabbi Kaminetsky stopped, took a deep whiff and said "Ah! It smells so delicious!"

  • Torat Kohanim Parshat Kedoshim

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